Sally Clark MBACP (Senior Accredited Counsellor) - Counselling, Supervision,Training, Organisational On-Site Critical Incident Support

Supervision #01


Supervision is available to counsellors and members of related professions.

As an experienced supervisor, my work has involved both individual and group supervision with both counsellors and medical staff.

I have supervised staff in a SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre), and for CRUSE Bereavement Care. For a number of years I offered clinical supervision to the staff in a hospice.

I am available to individuals or organisations for supervision or to facilitate the resolution of difficult issues.

Supervision #02

Supervision can be divided into three areas:

1) RESTORATIVE - the supportive element of supervision.

Working in a caring profession, whilst often very rewarding, is also stressful.
The supervisor is available for you to talk about stresses or anxieties that may impinge on your work.
These may be work related or personal issues. Supervision provides the opportunity to notice how experiences may be affecting your work.

2) FORMATIVE - the teaching element of supervision.

The supervisee can, together with the supervisor, talk through everyday work occurrences, and observe areas where some further discussion, reading or training may be helpful. A supervisor will be able to look at the psychological and relational aspects of your work, and to encourage you to consider furthering your expertise if required.

3) NORMATIVE - the monitoring element of supervision.

Supervision time can be used to highlight areas of work that you may have doubts about. It is the space for you to look at your way of working to ensure that you are working within professional guidelines and not putting yourself at risk by doing too much, carrying too much responsibility etc. It will also help you to monitor your practice.

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