Sally Clark MBACP (Senior Accredited Counsellor) - Counselling, Supervision,Training, Organisational On-Site Critical Incident Support

On-Site Trauma. med blue symbol

Critical Incidents 07799 586 333

In case of a Critical Incident where you require an on-site visit, please call me.

I have completed the ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation) Training in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM).

  • Whilst Health & Safety is of paramount importance to companies, there are occasions when tragic accidents or natural disasters occur.
  • At these times it is vital that the emergency services are called upon and that necessary practical help is offered.
  • I can assist HR and OH departments to take care of the psychological needs of employees.
  • It is often helpful to involve outside psychological assistance for those affected by the trauma. I am available for such events.
  • In the current economic climate it is sometimes necessary for redundancies to be enforced or whole sites to be closed.
    This can result in dramatic life changes and uncertainties for those involved.
  • Companies have a duty of care for those affected, and can alleviate some of the suffering by providing support from outside the company.
  • As a highly qualified and experienced counsellor in the area of trauma, I am available to travel nationally to carry out on-site work with all employees ranging from the CEO and HR and OH Departments, to managers and non-managerial staff.

    Feel free to call me and together we can decide upon the best plan of action for the company. If required, I would then carry out on-site trauma work.

On-Site Trauma. four seasons

My experience has covered redundancies, fatal accidents, abusive behaviour by employees, armed raids and murder.

I have worked in varied companies including, Aon, Axa, Barclays, Blue Cross, Centrica, Co-Op, Lloyds Banking Group, Matalan, MacDonalds, Mitchells & Butler, NPIA, Renesas, Sita, Social Services.

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